Chapter 4

Jennifer slowly trudged up the stairs. She had the odd sensation that they were steeper than she remembered, but like all the other weird feelings she'd had this evening, she let it slide. She reached the top of the stairs, adjusted her dress, and turned left down the hall, heading for her room. She passed by a few other doors and ignored the idea that the frames and knobs rose higher than they should. She continued to ignore this when she passed through the door to her own room.

Instead of the nap she'd been planning, she decided that perhaps a short shower was in order first. She tugged slightly at her shoulder straps, and the dress slowly slid off. She stepped into the bathroom and started the water, then decided to test something. She shrugged and shifted her shoulders and wriggled her hips-to her relief, her underwear didn't fall off, although it did become dangerously low and loose. She pulled the bra and panties off with little effort and stepped under the warm water.

Standing under the water, she failed to think about how the water was hitting her head at a position in the shower where it should be hitting her shoulders. She also didn't consider the raised towel rack or shampoo shelf.

Craig had yet to be disappointed with his new program. It was working like a charm! He carefully typed in the 4'4'' setup and clicked the "Apply" button, already anxious for when she would be VERY small.

Jennifer reached up to adjust the water pressure and was again shocked. "OUCH! Dammit! This has got to stop!" She washed her hair-careful to not get too close to any of the chrome fixtures-and gingerly reached up to turn off the water. She grabbed for the towel. Her hand flashed through empty air. "Huh?" She looked at the towel rack. Unbelievable as it was, the rack was now even higher than it had been a minute ago! She grabbed the towel (which wrapped around her with excess slack and fell lower on her than it should have) and stepped out of the bathroom. She was unwilling to pick up the "stretched" pair of panties and bra, instead opting to grab her bathrobe from the wall. She went over to her bureau to go through her drawer, noticing how the robe's sleeves fell to her fingertips and the bottom dragged the floor. The drawer was up to her nose, and she distinctly remembered it being up to her chin before tonight. She pulled out her favorite lacy white underwear and slipped it on. It, too, was noticeably loose. Fearfully, she performed the hip-shaking test. This time, the panties stopped for a moment, but then lost their tenuous hold and fell to the floor.

"No! This--this--whatever is happening to me--it's just impossible!" She tried on every pair of panties and every bra in her drawer, all to the same effect. None fit her quite right. She finally did find a frilled white set in another drawer. These had been her previous favorite before they had become too snug to wear comfortably. She put them on and discovered that they were no longer too snug-in fact, they fit perfectly. Disturbing, because they were two sizes smaller than she should be wearing.

This information hit her with hammering force. It finally became impossible to ignore all the odd occurrences that had comprised her evening. The abnormally tall people in the gym...the clothing, which gradually became looser...the doorknobs and other things that were higher than they should have been...her custom-made robe being too large...and now, smaller lingerie fitting her perfectly. It was absolutely impossible, but somehow she had gotten shorter!

No, not shorter...SMALLER. Her breasts didn't feel any smaller to her hands. Neither did her face or her legs. She hadn't lost just height-she had become proportionately smaller. She had...SHRUNK. Still unable to reconcile this as real, she grabbed a tape measurer from her desk and measured herself against the wall, making a mark at the top of her head. She read the measurement. Then, she read it again. "Four feet, four inches...but...but."

Craig sat back for a moment and admired his work. Everything was still going smoothly, and he detected no gaps, skips, or jagged edges in the video. "Very well then! Time to move on!" He leaned back over his keyboard and clicked the "Apply" button after setting up the disappearance of another 2 inches.

Jennifer, still staring at the tape measure, suddenly felt it shock her. "Ow!" She dropped the instrument on the floor. It closed with its characteristic rapid-rewind noise and bounced before settling. She faintly detected a tingle this time after the shock...and watched as the mark slid up the wall, just a bit. "No...no...NO!" Her arms sagged helplessly to the side-now the sleeves covered her hands completely-and she wobbled slightly. Somehow she managed to stagger over to her bed and hop up on it before the shock set in and rendered her unconscious.

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