Part 4

"Not possible to shrink, is it? Well, how do you explain that looseness in your clothes?"

Damn, that camera had good resolution! She was going to have to keep that in mind. She was still stunned at how he had suddenly changed everything around her, but she wasn't giving him the satisfaction of seeing her shocked. She shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about. They're not loose. They're just as tight as--" She cut herself off as the jeans slipped down her narrow hips, revealing the top of her panties. She grabbed them and pulled them back up, ignoring the mischievous grin on his face that just kept getting wider.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. People don't just shrink, right? So I guess you won't mind if I do...this!" He typed in some more commands on his keyboard. She had been absently flapping her loose T-shirt, but she looked up at the sound of keys being tapped. He was reaching for the red button again. He continued talking, but now it seemed to be more to himself. "Initial test, 4 inches. Test successful. Current subject height, 5 feet 3 inches. Attempting second test of 7 inches. Initiating test in 5...4...3..." His finger curled slightly on the button, as though his hand were tensing up.

"No, please, be careful with that button!" She was too late. He pressed the button exactly at "0" and she saw a slight red flash below the lens. The laser again made her tingle, only now the tingle was slightly more intense given her slightly reduced stature.

No, wait, she thought to herself, what am I thinking? I'm not reduced! This is some kind of trick! But as the tingle spread through her body, she could feel her clothes shifting position. No doubt about it, it was a very elaborate trick. Suddenly, her jeans dropped to her ankles. Surprised, she started to move her feet, only to have them catch in the jeans. She tripped on her own fallen pants and landed gracelessly face-first on the carpet. "Ooof!"

She could hear his voice--did it sound louder?--from her speakers. He seemed to be counting backward. "Four eleven...four ten...four nine...four eight. There." He paused for a minute, presumably looking down at her fallen form. "Aren't you going to get up?" She didn't have to look to know that the grin was there, wider than ever.

She pushed herself up, and stood slowly. She looked down and gasped. The once-clingy T-shirt now looked like a pink nightshirt on her! She could see herself in the mirror on the far wall. It was impossible...she COULDN'T be was all some kind of illusion... At that exact moment, her lacy white panties slid down her too-slender legs and pooled atop her jeans on the floor. Fortunately, the shirt hung low enough to save her dignity from this strange guy, though that didn't stop her from turning several shades of red. The shirtsleeves, usually just below her shoulders, were past her elbows. Her mind still didn't want to accept this complete violation of the laws of physics, but nothing else made any sense.

"You...SHRUNK me!" She started to walk indignantly over to the monitor, then thought better of it. She stooped down, picked up her fallen panties, adjusted them so they'd stay up, THEN walked indignantly over to the monitor. Normally, the monitor would have been about even with her breasts (which, she was glad to see, had retained their proper proportion), but right now it was at eye level. Fortunately the camera had been beside it and not on top of it.

"Thanks for participating. I'm glad to see my invention worked as planned."

"Oh, you're quite welcome...but don't bother lying to me, I know you just did it for a cheap thrill."

"Oh, I see. You think I invented a technological marvel, labored to build it, and took money from a major corporation all for the purposes of getting myself off. Riiiiiiiiight." He seemed somewhat irritated by her remarks. "Maybe I DO get a kick out of it...but that's NOT the only reason I did this, no matter what you may think."

"Ok, fine, fine, I'm sorry I said anything. Damn. What's eating YOU?" She put on what she hoped was her best innocent-and-cute expression. "Ok, joke's over, sweetie...make me big again, ok?"

That mischievous grin returned. If possible, it just kept spreading wider. "Make you big again...hmm...I guess I should have designed that into the camera, shouldn't I?"

"WHAT?!?!?" She couldn't believe she was hearing this! "You mean to tell me you designed something that can SHRINK people, but you can't turn them back to normal? What the hell is wrong with you?" She was about to really let him have it when he put his hands up in a defensive gesture.

"Jeez, lady, I was KIDDING! Can't you take a joke? Yes, I can make you big again. Ok?" She sighed with relief and sat in her computer chair, her feet barely on the floor. Then he leered at her again. "But first, I think this test isn't quite over."

"Whoa whoa whoa...what did you just say?" But he was already typing more commands into the keyboard. He again seemed to be talking to himself.

"The `R-I' commands seem to work well. Now, we'll attempt the `R-F' commands. Beginning with one" He pressed the red button again.

"You can't be serious." The tingle, more intense than before, told her he was. Her feet quickly lifted off the floor as she slowly drew further into her shirt. Her hands were now nearing the ends of her sleeves, and the neck hole gaped further, getting close to the point of being as wide as her shoulders. She jumped up in the chair, now having to stand to get a good look at the camera. Her panties didn't even bother sliding this time--they just fell straight off. Her shirt was nearing her knees at this point, so she didn't have to worry about covering herself. Inside the shirt, she could feel her incredibly oversized bra hanging down almost to her belly. "Why do you keep doing this? I'm only..." she did a quick mental calculation. "3 feet and 8 inches tall! You aren't going to KEEP shrinking me, are you?" She put on the cutest face she could make with all the confusion and frustration in her mind. "Please? Please make me normal again? PLEASE?" She was on the verge of falling to her tiny knees, clasping her tiny hands, and begging with a voice which, she noticed, was gradually getting higher in pitch.

Ryan said nothing. A thoughtful look crept over his face as he stared at the diminutive beauty, standing on her chair, wearing only a shirt that had been appealingly tight and now hung on her like an overcoat, and an equally too-big bra. He sat there for a moment, fingers immobile on his keyboard, before coming to his decision.

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